Physical Education

Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong
John F Kennedy
Physical Education will provide many opportunities to ensure increased levels of participation. Students will be provided with opportunities to partake in a variety of activities throughout the year. Levels of skill will be appreciated and individuals will be encouraged to make progress towards their own targets.
The PE department are driven towards reducing the likelihood of obesity and chronic illnesses. Physical education helps students become better learners. PE improves concentration and raises attainment. Physical fitness is an important component to leading a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardiovascular health. Students are encouraged to improve their fitness levels during PE lessons, including muscular and cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility in a variety of fun and engaging ways. It is a rarity that a student goes on to become an elite performer, therefore providing students with experiences they can learn from and perhaps pursue as a lifelong activity, is essential.
The extra-curricular programme at CHSL will promote excellence and participation. Excellence will be developed in many sports where training schedules are provided for skill and fitness. Students will compete in many competitions throughout the school year and will be provided with opportunities to develop themselves as a whole person. In addition, opportunities are provided for students to take part in non-competitive recreational activities.
PE has a significant role in contributing towards reducing the likelihood of obesity and chronic illnesses. Physical education helps students become better learners. PE improves concentration and raises test scores. Physical fitness is an important component to leading a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardiovascular health. A regular fitness activity improves the absorption of nutrients by the body, improves digestive processes and increases physiological processes. Students are encouraged to improve their fitness levels during PE lessons, including muscular and cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. It is a rarity that a student goes on to become an elite performer, therefore providing students with experiences they can learn from and perhaps pursue as a lifelong activity, is essential.
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