School-Led Tutoring

All state-funded schools and academy trusts are being given a ring-fenced grant to fund tutoring provision for disadvantaged pupils.

School-Led Tutoring 2022/23

All state-funded schools and academy trusts are being given a ring-fenced grant to fund tutoring provision for disadvantaged pupils. The County High School, Leftwich will receive £27,540 during the academic year 2022/23. Funding is allocated for around 60% of pupils eligible for pupil premium. 60% of the cost is subsidised in academic year 2022/23. Schools and academy trusts will need to fund the remaining 40% through other budgets.

School-Led Tutoring Plan 2022/23 

Desired Outcome  Intervention  Frequency  Pupils  Lead Member of Staff  Anticipated Cost 
Improved attainment from predicted outcomes  After school Tutoring 







Weekly x 15  Year 11  LM  £10,000 
Improved Numeracy Skills  After School Tutoring  Weekly x 15  Y7-10  LM  £9,000 


Improved Literacy Skills  After School Tutoring 


Weekly x 15 


Y7-10  LM  £12,375 


Total Spend          £31,375