
Soft, Core, Life, Employability Skills are many different names for the same set of characteristics employers are looking for from their prospective employees. While there are many different skills employers look for, in the Careers Program we focus on following:

  • Creativity is the use of imagination and the generation of new ideas
  • Problem solving skills are about the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge
  • Listening and presenting (communication) is the receiving, retaining and processing of information or ideas as well as the oral transmission
  • Leadership is about supporting, encouraging and motivating others to achieve a shared goal
  • Aiming high (being proactive) is the ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them as well as taking the initiative and making things happen, instead of always reacting to what happens around you
  • Staying positive (resilience) is about the ability to use tactics and strategies to overcome setbacks and achieve goals
  • Adaptability is the ability to cope and thrive in changing conditions

These are taken from Barclay’s Life Skills and we have taken into account feedback from employers when deciding which skills to focus on.

The Employability skills are also referenced in lessons, so students can understand how the skills they are developing in lessons can be adapted to the world of work. Supporting the engagement of students in their learning.