Key Message
Year 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3) students will be issued with a likely end of Year 11 Minimum Expected Grade (MEG) using the FFT database. The FFT database generates personalised MEGs for each student in each subject they are studying. The database takes a student’s KS2 data, if appropriate, looks for similar students with similar KS2 scores and generates an end of Year 11 MEG in each subject.
When students reach Year 10 we will revisit the FFT database and download the MEGs again and subject leaders and their teams will sense check these to ensure they are challenging and appropriate before they are shared.
Tracking progress
Students in Years 7 – 9 will be judged against the progress made by similar students (in terms of Keystage 2 scaled scores) and this progress will be reported via the statements below;
Students in Year 10 and 11 will have their progress measured against the MEG in each subject by the reporting of a grade achieved in the assessments.
Further Student Tracking Information
To provide regular information on your child’s progress, we will collect and share with you information about their progress. This will happen twice during the academic year following internal examinations, at Student Tracking points (called ST1 and ST2). The assessments sat during ST1 and ST2 vary depending on the year group and can be seen below.
*Ebacc subjects – English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and MFL
In Keystage 3 (Years 7 -9) as well as the progress statements above the report will also show the percentage achieved on each test alongside the average percentage achieved by similar students.
Students in all year groups will also be provided with an Attitude to Learning (AtL) grade. Teachers will apply a best fit approach to the AtL description for each category of our core expectations (embracing opportunities, ready to learn and respectful and safe) to provide one AtL grade per subject. Please see the AtL descriptor table for more information
Please click here to see the details about student tracking windows including the issue date of reports